Debbie Papadakis

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Articles, Stories

” At Times of Dispair!!”~Debbie Papadakis.

Directions to be taken at times of despair. Current mood: fear of times to come Walking through the streets of any major city, would reveal visions of groups of young people talking , standing around and generally trying to live each day as it comes. In the morning they would line up for a meal handed out by an organization , the church or even the Municipal Council of the city,if they are sensitive enough to help the ‘Homeless’.  ...


INSPIRATIONAL WRITING: “Redemption”~Debbie Papadakis.

Life by all means isn’t easy. It hasn’t been!SHOW ME ONE PERSON WHO IS PERFECT.Who is perfect? I AM NOT! However, I do admire people who try and work at it! No matter how down you might feel. You do see the light through a reflection.   The reflection of yourself. If you like what you see and do appreciate yourself, your efforts, your dreams; you will be able to show others, how you want them to see you; through your efforts  ...

Articles, Poems

Inspiration Poetry: “GRATITUDE” I felt with a pebble in my pocket and a word to hold!

I went to the sea side, as I always do and literally walked.I have been doing that a lot lately. I have things to think about; to work out and to reach a decision on.   The view of the sea has always helped me reach the best solutions to things I think about ; it has comforted me when I felt down; has ‘spoken’ to me attracting my attention and drawn me to listen, to the thoughts and feel the feelings felt.   The sea  ...


“Promises” By Debbie Papadakis

I wrote a poem …I am not a misician but I felt music as I was writing.   ‘Promises’ Waves rolling on the sand… Birds gliding… In the wind they dance! Looking out to the sea.. I embrace myself… Longing to be.. With you If I had the chance! With you To absorb your Glance. Knowing you love me… The Anticipation… Wanting to be, In your arms, in your embrace. Oh how much how much can I take.I  ...


Interview: ” Two teachers made redundant..waiting it out at the unemployment office and me makes three “

Collecting my papers for the unemployment office was all I had to do, deep down in the chambers of my mind, I knew that I might just miss one or maybe two.”You have got everything you need in the transaprent file!”I thought to myself. I tried not to think much of that as  I was repairng myself, sipping my last sip of coffee, and grabbing my bag, keys and mobile phone. I trotted down stairs to where I park ‘my set of  ...


These days Life can only be described as Surrealistic to some Realistic to others!

Recently in my correspondence I had with a friend, I was asked to write about how things were with everyday people here in Greece; I sat back and a storm of thoughts flooded, making me think that If I DO express these experiences, would they be able to understand ? Would they be seen as surrealistic accounts of REALITY, never before experienced in the 21st century to such a nation as Greece? Then I thought, an Interview would help focus  ...


The Lost generation? NOT Lost Indeed!

How can a Generation, be dubbed Lost… indeed! When they were born in the INFORMATION AGE, and can vividly see! Everything around them.. IS Informing in bits n bites! Giving them spherical view, formulating a Global insight! To be A better generation…somewhat  passive…they might seem! Passive to you, but angry , with what?  Now just heed.. What they know, WOULD make any INSTTUTION Political or Economic want to run, hide and  ...


How could the ” Lost Generation” as dubbed, be the “The Inspiring Generation ” ‘born’ in the Crisis?

The current news today, in the light of the Brussel’s conference of European Union held today  and tomorrow 28th-29th June 2013: the topic of discussion is the unemployment rate of young people between the ages of 18 and 25, known as the “Lost Generation of the EU” and their concerns of austerity imposed leading them to extremism and away from mainstream politics; thus, the conference is looking forward to combined efforts  ...

Articles, Poems

Remembering …pictures and words you had said and.. wanted to say…but were never heard.

This is a poem I had written when I was told of the passing of my beautiful Aunt and your mother .I cried and felt astranged from happiness and saddness that usually is shared amongst families. It is sad when a family memeber passes away. I would like to thank a dear friend of mine, whom I have known since we were both in Australia, who just wrote to me here on face book about the sad news of my Aunt Mary’s passing away 1934-2012. She  ...