Life by all means isn’t easy. It hasn’t been!SHOW ME ONE PERSON WHO IS PERFECT.Who is perfect? I AM NOT! However, I do admire people who try and work at it! No matter how down you might feel. You do see the light through a reflection.


The reflection of yourself. If you like what you see and do appreciate yourself, your efforts, your dreams; you will be able to show others, how you want them to see you; through your efforts and the work you do. We are constantly challenged with obligations and dead lines to meet.


Many times we make wrong decisions that may have seemed right at the time, but in the course of time, they were not right. Self evaluation and the ability to DREAM might help us see life in a different light.


LOVE will give us the strength to endure. RESPECT will help us make decissions without fear. KNOWLEDGE will free us from the hunger and pain of doubting our selves.


“Pefection could only be sought if we ourself do not see ourselves as perfect but do strive for perfection!”~Splash Penningitout~





Many times I wonder why?

Life’s Challenges corner me,

Leaving me with a sigh!

Decisions,need to,Have to be made,

Providing the example ,

Setting the way!

Who am I ?,

A simple woman 

With simple needs!

And critically judged, 

By individuals

With no creed!

The redemption felt Deep in under my skin,

Of actions taken driven

 By decisions made,that were classified as SIN!

Survival was all that was sought,

And to escape from the ropes

That were tight and taught!

The redemption felt Deep in my soul,

As I looked in the mirror,

Hanging in a dark hall!

For the hall, and dark walls represented my life,

There were changes,

With the appearence of flickering lights!

The eyes of two Innocent Angelic souls.

Challenged my concepts ,

Stimulated my perception of values that were truly Gold!

Love and Respect yourself,

As tough as it might be…

And in time you will see!

The solutions before you,

Brought on in life,

To enhance your strength To fight!

Against your weakness, for a moment 

When you lean,

At the wheel of life, forgetting to dream!


I have payed all

All My dues!

Now with added experience,

I see the clues

From the past !

Only experience is gained ,

And for life every day,

A dream is made!

Strive for those dreams,

You seek in life,

And believe me, 

You will see the light!


(c) Debbie Papadakis.~Splash Penningitout. 08/08/08.

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