Debbie Papadakis

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Articles, Stories

Article:”How do you celebrate your birthday??”

All I can say is that if you go around in life being bubbly, happy with who you are and with what you can do, good things happen.   Yesterday was my birthday. I have this way of thinking that allows me to celebrate every moment in life. I can say, I am in love with life and adore having people around me; Particularly people that enjoy being with me…People who have been through hard and happy moments with me.    I enjoy life  ...


ARTICLE: Food DUMPED when NOT SoLD!~by Debbie Papadakis Athens -31st Dec 2013.

Who would have thought that Humanity, would advance to the level of boasting about progress in technology and with added insight of living life, without for a moment assessing the values we should live by, in creating a Humane society living with deeds that would honour our ‘greatness’ ?    Who would have believed that Euopean Governements would have thought of protecting monopoly interests, in expense of NOT allowing humane  ...


Turn off the T.V. and LOG In and enrole in the FUTURE!

“Dreams and Education create a better WORLD”  As an educator, I believe many things can be done by individuals. It is up to individuals to provide a road mapped out for the younger generation to grow and thrive in this world. How do we carve out these roads for our children to follow? How do we set the example? What happens when things change in our lives, how do we manage to strive for the dreams we had, or the dreams we cling  ...

Articles, Poems


Writing is part of our lives. It is a form of expression. Many times in the past I had sat down and looked at life. The role each of us plays in survival affects the way we feel and see ourselves in relation to others. . You work and build, give and receive. If in life you work for a common cause, then discover that your efforts are unrespected and dismissed as a form of sacrifice, then you easily walk away and seek to work with those around  ...


Article: Memorantum Vs Humanity~Debbie Papadakis

If the recipe fails in the cooking ,  you would through -out the recipe not the ingredients. Nor, in the case of Greece, would you force feed a nation of people with something that can not be bitten, chewed nor digested.   It might be the full moon beaming down on me, on this warm August night, as I sit at the balcony of my home writing away on my thoughts of the situation and even trying to read a few things that would have me see, how  ...

Articles, Poems

ARTICLE-POEM: R. I. P “White Dove”… The T R A G I C DEATH OF THE 19 year old . ~Debbie Papadakis.

The T R A G I C DEATH OF THE 19 year old ; the Vultures that are flying over GREECE and its people ….and more is to be seen in SEPTEMBER, MORE yet to come!     ETHICAL SOLUTIONS are demanded to be implemented by political and economic Institutions !! NO MORE UNEMPLOYMENT -NO MORE DEATHS!!!!!!     This 19 year olds young man’s death, is indeed any thing else but tragic!!! Trying to stop a teenager from fleeing  ...


ARTICLE:” DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS as a last resort v’s BANK FORECLOSURES! “~Debbie Papadakis

Thursday , 8th August  2013. Greece reaches the final -count down, as Troikan of the EU and our ‘lofty Greek politicians’ that try to impose conditions on a society never before experienced in modern times of the 21st century. In the name of  Civil-Humanity and social justice, the past governments that have indebted Greece to such an extent that has driven a nation into proverty and now forcing it to take law in its own hands,  ...


ARTICLE:Greeks are saying,”Should I STAY or should I GO? The immigration dilemma!!”~Debbie Papadakis

It is extraordinary how a population of people react to the Stingent-Austerity-Measures imposed on a Nation such as Greece, suffering record-breaking unemployment; ludicrous salary cuts in the public sector these past 4 years, allowing the work force to suffer belittlement that can not be compared to any other nation’s work force. With in these years of Ecomonic recession, we have seen Industrial Plants close and relocate to  ...


Article: “I come from the land ‘Down Under’…”~DEADLY BEAUTIFUL!!!~Debbie Papadakis.

The birth place of any individual, is absorbed as it is experienced by the senses: it can be expressed with words that describe the course of experiences, in order to give a clear picture of what can be seen; it can be described with the taste of aromas absorbed allowing a vibrant burst of expression to tantalise the imagination .   Further more, along this time passage of one’s existence of ‘home’ , there are the sounds  ...