The Summer of 2013 was marked …With closures of businesses, industries, people in the streets..A nation left in the dark!

Money owed and never seen…Leaving people in confusion,A frustration never before seen…OHHH !!Times are hard!

The government Like a ‘headless chicken’ …Racing around in the political and economic back yard…Demanding even more from made redundant taxpayers…a plain facarde!!

Now we all are in shades of a bitter blue..As we are casted in the RED….As things falling and crumbling as they cascade!!

An ‘Economic war’ an ‘experiment’ of endurence on Nations such as Greece…Ahh! It’s a genecide done eliquently 4.5 thousand dead now ….A ‘crisis like a war worrior dance’, benefiting THE FEW behind the scene!

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