Debbie Papadakis

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Articles, My Writings

What type of a world do we want? Debbie Papadakis

We are approx. 7 Billion people on this Planet: What type of a world do we want? Debbie Papadakis: Freelance Greek Australia… As people, we are obligated to follow and respect laws of civil liberties of ‘the freedom of speech’ in a healthy Democracy. This privilege of ‘ the freedom of speech’ is universally respected and it is apart of our human rights which is respected under international law and apart of the  ...

Poems, Stories

Bondi beach at the break of dawn.

Article and Poem: “Bondi at the break of dawn.”   I love swimming! I can not think of a better hobby anyone could have than to get up at the break of dawn and dive into the ocean of waves, testing your endurence and ability to fight-swimming in the swells of Bondi. You might ask, why am I writing about Bondi in particlular? It would be easy to say that the picture sent to me this morning, inspired me to write a poem about  ...


Dub steppin’ with young people is inspirational.

 Article: Dub steppin’ with young people is inspirational.  I have been reading… reading articles on “the Greek Story” V’s the “Success Story” One thing I have realized is that once again we are experiencing a revolution at this Information Age we are living in. People, that is YOUNG PEOPLE are starting to team up in doing things. Call me a Hippy with hopes of seeing ‘Happenings’…  ...