POEM: “I have a Dream for people of this Land… to live a life and the World to understand!”~Debbie Papadakis.
I have a DREAM where people of this land….”
that Politicians have become the tools…..
That instigate policies that break all the rules….
Imposing Austerity to benefit the Elite ……
With disregard of the obligations they should meet…..
To the on coming generations of this land ….
That we are ALL living things….
With a short life span….
On this planet called “Mother Earth”…
we should cherish her…..
For all that she is worth….
and encourage Education that spans ….
Instigating Life with respect….
at hand….
As LEADERS these Politicians should only earn to keep….
Salaries that are just like ours…
trying to make ends meet….
Instead of being the YES men of The Lords of WAR
that crush countries to the CORE….
All for resources and Control ….
to feed their industries that to Life are Cold…
WE ARE ALL GREEKS to you it has been told …..
and WE are the Experiment…..
They are trying to hold …
with policies creating Economic wars..
Killing people with their policies
just watch the story UNFOLD….
TROIKA and the IMF …
are the New Weapons you see…
that cloud over Economic Policies …
enforcing Nations of Slaves to be…
Controlled by politicians
that have no Creed…..
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