It is extrordinary where people can write and what they write when inspired. I have enjoyed writing these past few years. It had comforted me during very trying moments. Being in a different place, every once in a while, encourages you to delope the skill of self appreciation when you create pieces of writing that depict ‘Life’. It had helped me, during good and bad times, in my life .I love life and anticipate what else this world has installed.


Recently, I had gone to Athens on a business trip, not entirely for pleasure. Like most people, I have my fair share of work , responsibilities, obligations , dead lines, appointments, children, students, seminars and last but not least …the home. Rarely, do I ever have time to myself. Sometimes, Time is alloted to me..or I manage to SQUEEEEEZE in time for myself and what I love best..Writing. If it isn’t writing is definitely swimming…which clearly indicates why they call me Splash.


Another thing I enjoy doing is observing people and their manner. I enjoy descreatly watching them walk and talk. I don’t listen in their conversation, by all means… I love watching their Body Language and they carry themselves, so as to speak. It is harmless but qutie amazing. I also enjoy painting and drawing ..that is why I love drawing , land scapes, waterfuls, streets and bulidings.


In Down Town Athens, like in many major cities there are Cafes, Secluded Restaurants, interesting Steak Houses with character, Lovely Taverns. In the bussel of the day, I manage to walk in and have some thing to eat and rest. As I rest, I always take out my note pad and ‘flip and flick those pages as I am penninitout. When somthing or someone inspires me I get going…I was in a Pub that served excellent salads and mix grill. Personally, I love salads and ride on the satisfying smell of mixed grills…the portions are so big only looking at them would satisfy any appitie!


As I wait and sip my wine, I get absorbed in the music and the atmosphere around me, I write…! I wrote a poem that I would like to share with you….


‘Magnetic Attraction’

‘Riding like the wind’ playing..

Filling the atmosphere…

You walked in…

Seeking a good word ‘n’a Beer!

The sweat on your forehead..

The twinkle in your eye…

Would leave ..Any woman…

OHHH MAN..Mesmerized!

Your stance..Formed a ‘T’,

Your hair..Casually adoring..Your shoulders..

A physique,

Fresh as the dawning morning..

Could be seen!

How can a woman ..

Not be left in AWE!

‘Ohhh man …

What is that I saw???’

At the table you sat,

Papers..Before you..Layed the facts!

Your conversation,Was low toned,

But your position,DETERMINED,

Your goals!

Convinced ‘n’ Content,

Left the Other Party,

You had Met!

With a sigh,

Believing in yourself,

As always..Should be,

Your eyes Landed..

Locked ‘n’ landed on me!

Feeling Awkward..

You Could not See..

The Wind was ..Literally ..

Kicked out of Me!

Dining alone ..

Was what you sawI did!

Writing these Words,

You had heard

As the paper..Flick ‘n’ Flip!

You came to offer..

An inviting jesture..

After the Deal,

To Celebrate..

With immediate company..

Ohh you were for real!

‘Ahh so soon!’ I replied..

‘Yes please do..’You insisted quietly,’If you will!

”You are the woman,

I remember I had seen..

At a distant Table..

Is where you had been!”

A smile in response,

Was all I could do ‘n’ Did!

A drink with a Man..

As Decisive as he..

I could Not Resist..

Not A BIT!

A Magnetic Attraction..

Took over me.

A magnetic Attraction..

Came over me!

I never let my feelings..

Take see.

But if the Vision is Right..

It puts one in Bliss..

As it had done with me!


I wrote this poem in 2007 ….I often went down town to feel the environment.. and finding nice pubs was always something I enjoyed..


Debbie Papadakis (c) Splash penningitout. August 2007.

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