How do we save the archives of such a culturally wealthy institution such as ERT and all the work people have done in projecting Hellenism world wide, now that it is shut down, is everyone’s concern?


It is understood, that cut backs were needed and that the ‘Golden Boys’ be contained to the austerity measures we all as a nation face. However, why would they want to stop the voice of Greece to be broadcasted? This alone is not called for. If a tree needs pruning, it is not cut from the trunk, nor up rooted. It is treated by removing the dead wood and of branches, that do not allow it to be preserved and later allowed to grow. Wouldn’t that be so?

I, just do not want anything to happen to the archives and the research organisations connected with ERT, as well as the radio links that connect the 3000 islands of this beautiful country. It would be a danger to our nation here, if complete silence deafened our world!<p> </p>Forgive me for being forward , however I do want people from my home country to be concerned and to lobby on these issues . If anything like this happened to the ABC in Australia, the BBC in the UK and in any country in the world it would have been devistating.

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