Current mood:calm and deeply inspired by Nature!


This poem was was inspired by the Thought: “Where do we Escape to when we want to get away from it all? Why do we get this urge to soul seek in alone some where? How do we feel when we do so? How does nature treat us to a vision that stimulates our thoughts and feelings? What is sought?”


Some seek the solitude of a room, others drive away. However, there are those that seek to feel the trickle of water by a stream, feel the cooling flow of a river, being moved by the thunderous roar of waves of the ocean on a sandy beach, and ofcouse there are those that seek a comforting embrace of the sea, with gulls in flight over head, the breeze stroking the hair as a breath is drawn in.


Feeling the gentle touch on the toes as one sits huddled by the sea,distracted each time of taumenting thoughts broken feelings ..only feeling the gentle cool touch of each in coming wave. One can only smile and hope as the Sun warms one’s back and feel the love and hope that trengthens one’s heart in seeking a solution.A solution that only time can produce and deliver.


These are hard times for many, these days with the Crisis, and all!Tention..Trying the nerves and relations all around. However, going out and seeking water, at the falls, by a river, at a stream, on the coast, by the sea or at the ocean, helps seek one’s self to see!Escaping.. to the Sea to be…Is where I am!


Waves rolling in the sand…

Gulls in flight…

They dance…

I look out into the sea..

Knowing that there is..

No other place I would like to be..

Escaping from the worries in my head…

Escaping as my heart beats faintly

Escaping from all that was said..

Escaping as my mind takes everything in slowly..

Just being stroked by the wind instead.. 

being touched by cooling water so gentely..

Waves reaching and touching after I have fled..

Just wanting to be alone to be with me.

I close my eyes to capture’n’ keep this sight just seen..

Wondering why this need to escape was felt by me..

Was it because all I dreamed of was love?

Was it because all felt undone?

Was it because you needed all from me?

Was it because there was nothing else for me to see?

Gone I went here to be..

Knowing for sure I can find me!

Mistakes will be made said and done fore sure certainly..

We are human no different as anyone can be..

I want to wash away the pain felt in me..

By turning the page ‘n’ wanting to see..

The clouds in my heart leaving me..

The Sun warning providing a solution only time can see!

I open my eyes to walk along the fine white sand..

Stopping as I see you stand..

Reaching touching my shoulder with your hand..

You Curess me there as I stand…

Your fingers moving the hair from my eyes drawing me near..

The tears trickling down my cheek ‘Oh my dear’..

You gently kiss me kissing away the pain..

Promising me all will be fine again..

The stress of all is all it was..

The economics..the fights ..the loss of a job..

My arms held your back as I sunk in you to be..

“Baby don’t worry…you have me”


Splash penningitout(c)DebbiePapadakis. 12 July 2010

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