“Feeling Wonderful” a poem


Current mood:confident


Thinking of the How to handle different problems in life, is something I am sure we all do. We work and try to make ends meet, at the office, in schools, with collegues and even at home. As social beings we try to meet a critria that is displays, our best, to the best of our abilities,but sometimes it isn’t appreciated or even taken for granted.


The Feeling of Not being worthy sets in. This negative feeling leads to self evaluation , where we begin to hear what our heart yerns for..We take time off ..slack a little..even lean at the wheel..the grind! Naturally, this alone attracts criticism which leads to friction of thought and feelings.Time however reveals the truth.


Many times, I have caught myself in thinking..I need a holiday…I can’t carry on with what I am doing , I need a change, that would fulfill my needs and simply recharge my batteries , so as to speak. Oh, it doesn’t require much to feel better with what you are doing , if you feel appreciated and have the support required. Sometimes, you just find that you are working on your own to reach those goals. Feelings of how I see my self set in…Probably, I demand more of myself and may be others demand more from me.This causes some problems. Sitting down and thinking of how I see myself helps.


I think things out and then clearly word ..what I can do and what is to be done. That alone helps. I then begin to see myself in a different light. 


A poem written earlier this year25/4/2008.’Feeling Wonderful’


Every body has got a Wonderful person in them,

Just screaming to get out!

To feel the warmth about themselves,

To shake off ,Negative Feelings..

To shake off all the doubt!

Pushing for Time in Time,

Pushing rightback just as Hard…

Cramming in things to do ‘n’ to be done..

A ‘Life Sentence’ it is felt by some!

But to others It’s a Game,

A Challenge..A Deed..And in deed,

A place in the Sun!

Doing what you do …

Knowing you how to do it,

‘Cus you know you Try your Best,

Is something any Individual,

Can vividly see…that is the test!

But don’t expect,

Recognition Any Appreciation,-

That Shows their ‘inability’,

As they rest!

At this Pont A low Point,

You find yourself to be,

Emotions cloud relations..

‘what else do they want from me?

‘Leaving you empty,

Is how you do feel ‘n’did,

That triggers a reassessment ,

Of everything about you, with in!

You then start..

Thinking of Feelings …

Wanting to be felt..

Desires to feel human..

Setting you free..

Is what you felt..and want see!

You See; ‘Clashing ‘n’ Crashing’

Is what these negative feelings Do,

In this world ..Of Humanity.

Leaving you doubting..Your self ‘n’ seen,

As a strayed Individual..

Not part of the System..

Doubting your Ability!

The Look in your Eyes,

They have Anylised the Course,

Of events already done .

You take on a Challenge,

You take The Blame ‘n’The Blows,

You seek the truth in you,

Which PUMPS up all your Strength ,

In the Light of the sun, No fun !

Criticism ‘n’ Conviction…

Is easily Pinned you see,

But ‘when the tables

Are Tessilated ‘n’Turned’..

The Mirror image of events..

Can easily be seen!

Feeling the Negative always comes to light,

But know your Wonderus Strength,

Would always put things Right!

A Calmness..Overcomes ..

The whole world in you,

Knowing..That the TRUTH In the Haze..

The Clouded Light…Believe you me….

If you know Yourself..

Your Ability ‘n’ Strength,

You can take on any load’n’fight!

Listen Good ..Listen Hard..

To the words..That are not Spoken!

In You ,You will Hear,The Phrases’n’Answers,

That would word..Your mind’s Thoughts ‘n’ Course,

By you that are chosen,

By you only ofcourse!

Events experienced

Are never DO or DIE!

They just Enhance ..

The flavour ‘n’Taste of Life..In deed!

If you are not a person,

That balances ‘The Meaning of Life’.

How do you expectTo feel’n’ see..The Light with Creed?

So carry on..Continue your course…

Continue on your way.

Time..Time alone, my friend..

Would lead you to Bliss or Dismay!

We are Blessed ‘n’Cursed..

With The Ability..To Pattern our thoughts..

With a clear Conscience ‘n’ heart,

That would justify..Our existence..

As a being,With out falling apart.

So be Selective’n’Eclectic

With your thoughts ‘n’ What you do.

That alone, my dear friend,

Would show the ‘Wonderful Person ‘

That is deep, deep in you!

Your thoughts’n’ Words are now Laconic,

Easily Understood.They Untap,

The Trail of Thought,That would bring

A Quality in Your Life,That is True!

‘Feeling Wonderful ‘About yourself,

Is so important you see,

It would reward you ..

In due course..Just watch ‘n’ see!


(C)DebbiePapadakis~Splash penningitout 2008

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