“Dreams and Education create a better WORLD” 

As an educator, I believe many things can be done by individuals. It is up to individuals to provide a road mapped out for the younger generation to grow and thrive in this world. How do we carve out these roads for our children to follow? How do we set the example? What happens when things change in our lives, how do we manage to strive for the dreams we had, or the dreams we cling on to, wanting to live, showing our children to live life with Education striving in to the future? 

In the light of things in Europe, the ecomonic crisis has taken its toll in delaying enrolments into institutions of education and we have even seen the closure of University Facalties and Instition. We have seen student unrest as fees further hindering the future of the younger generation. In Greece, the middle class have died, as we have seen more than 4.5 thousand people take their lives at a time when the mass media  vividly reports the austerity measures imposed by the IMF and the EU through Troika and naturally Germany drawing the lines for the banks thrive in while the stringent economic policies and political policies deprive societies of people to survive, let alone provide a future for our children to survive in allowing them to dream and be educated. Earlier this  year the EU held a commission stating that the high unemployment rate of young people was to be absoiorbed by encouraging them to enter education and retraining programs that would assure employment. However, what has been witnessed is the opposite. Sure, it can be said we need an economic crisis that brings about benefits such as wage reductions creating a society of people willing to just work and work. How is the society handling this?


While the current government in Greece is busy imposing ‘society – unfriendly policies’  without rooting out curruption and pursuing the justice for all the scandles that have brought this country to a slow death by political figures that have become weathy in previous governments; it is suceessfully terrorising the society of people which has given way for extremists to wage war sporadically providing ample fuel for the mass media to lap  up and project while detrimental issues are drawn and more austeruty is imposed on the people of Greece. What is happening in other parts of the world?


In other parts of the world individuals in prominant positions in Universitiles are offering FREE COURSES  for young people to enrole in and  after sucessfully completing the course they get DIPLOMAS . This initiative was taken by very many Professors at Univerities in the USA and Japan as a response in helping young people to strive for their dreams and to work. Instead of just caring about the gain of wealth through the banking system , Should Europe be looking at educating the young  set by others  as examples and should they follow?? 


Good adive would be to turn off TV and LOG IN and enrol for the future!



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Personally I have been upset with what has been happening with the increase of violence. The Government does not seem to be doing much. As individuals we can.


Debbie Papadakis~Athens.

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