Poem: “The Planet Earth can cater for every one’s needs…not Greed!”


So you think you can have it all…

Not caring of the damaged caused..

So you think you have a war to wage…

Killing people and the environment in every way!

So you think you can get more than you need…

Not measuring but grabbing with greed…

So you think  you can take it all…

Killing wild life your way to pave!!

Wake up…

You miserable greedy being…

Wake up…

You are nothing with out nature you see…

Wake up….

You know nothing of what you have created to be seen!

It is time….

To change before we too are gone…

It is time…

To do the right, after all our wrongs..

It is time …

To wake up an see, that we are just visitors on this planet to be!

So man clean up your act…

Eco policies that face the facts…

Generate ideas that work…

That are society friendly..respecting the planet that is Earth!


~Debbie Papadakis.

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