Breaking news: This afternoon at 12.30pm it was announced on air at radio stations that the Department of Treasury of the Government in Greece has ordered the ERT Megaro to be vacated. All Journalist that were sacked on ERT’s closure on Tuesday 11th June 2013 and who have remained at their positions operating the broadcast of culture and open forums of discussion on air to date, have been ordered to leave the building. The citizens who ...
Daily Archives:
June 22, 2013
Breaking news: What will happen with the archives of ERT if the professional staff are DEMANDED to leave the Megaro of ERT? How would ”the newly appointed staff” by the govenment, be able to manage the archives, that cover a historical record of Greece, over the past 75 years of cultural existence? This is a fear that is being expressed this evening. (Fear is felt) The reason why, this has been reposted, is simply to ...
Give me a picture for me to see… It will talk and even dance with me! It will explode and enter every chamber of my mind.. Triggering feelings of it… Creaiting ideas to define! The words spoken to me by this picture at hand.. Are a thousand and one… That pour like water in the palm of your hand! You feel those words… How could that be? With a different description of the picture… From a another eye, you see!