Spirituality..Living a life with Creed!


Current mood:inspired (This was part of the site I had on My Space where I usedto take part in Poetry  challenges)


Kristine..thank you popping in with this link and inviting me.I haven’t written for a while and decretely began by wording my thoughts and feeling in writing and poetry…writng to me is a release from all that happens and what we see….I like reading everyone and feel like the dove flying and adoring what beauty there is to seek in a world so harsh and cruel.


Spirituality exists in all cultures….the respect and the creed we choose to live by, guided by the light of the knowledge, we still seek but never content in acquiring.The constant endeavour to improve and lift ourselves..not for any personal gain but for the children that we so tenderly love and respect as individuals. That alone is the code I live by.


These are my thoughts..in verse..of the Spirit beyond!



I would prefer

to walk in life with deep insight,

Rather than dwell

in a life of frustration ‘n’ thoughts

that fear the flight!

Of the ability to live

in a dream ‘n’ strive in life…

For a future with pride..

with Love and Creed and insight!!

So walk too

this path of selfless deeds 

That gives to life

a sense of being!

Humble before

the creation of this land 

That we should treasure

the best way we can!

If we treat with respect Mother Earth 

We will learn…

to love ‘n’ understand

the reason for our birth!

The reason to life is beyond what we understand ..

It is what we endeavour to seek the substance

in the spirit of our soul …

Rather than the substance in the palm of our hand!

‘Goodness is Godliness’ …

I once read …

Were the words Socrates…

that he had said!

Words that were uttered …

carried as a sound …

that became thoughts…

that were not profound!

The years later philosophies transpired to a logic that never expired…

They spoke of love respect …

HONOUR with creed…

that was desired!

Christ further walked…

showing how life should be lived…

It was a life that helped understand

that by living and working together ..a life with Creed!

Against the weaknesses

that burdened this Earth

Marked with Greed

He Spoke and practised what he believed!


Thank you for this challenge Kristine:)


Splash penningitout(c)DebbieDEPapadakis July 2008

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