Debbie Papadakis

Daily Archives:

July 21, 2014


Working for a living… austerity denies!

Poem: ” Working for a living… austerity denies!”~Debbie Papadakis. The youth have a voice and that voice carries a dream… For changes to be seen… Before things go right down the drain… We all have dignity to retain! ‘Working conditions’ are the far out-cry… Work and employment to be seen.. Part-Time work is only to be found… With salaries of 180 euros that in anger let you fry! As  ...


Poem: “Whispered words of a Poet”

Poem: “Whispered words of a Poet”~Debbie Papadakis. Words woven … With feeling and soul…. Are never forgotten… I have been told!   They are kept like a lantern… Lit to light… the pathways of Life…. They never weather… In time as we might!   Through a Poem ‘s light…. Words shine and beam… Allowing colors to dance… With elegance and  ease !   As they are cradled  ...


Poem: The Dignity of a Woman

Poem: “The Dignity of a Woman”~Debbie Papadakis. She strutted as she walked away…. from a situation that was complicated in every way…. The rain poured however it did not bother her in any way… With that look in her eye… She didn’t seem to feel … That she would miss  anything and would  want it with Zeal…. In fact she felt trenched with it all… Being used and abused… It  took  ...